Unfortunately the palace is filled with Nasira's henchmen so Jasmine must sneak through her palace by using a pot to hide in.

After being rescued, the player takes control of princess Jasmine as she returns to her palace to find a map that Aladdin must use to find the Ancient City. Before he can gain access to the Ancient City, Aladdin must first obtain the "book of the dead" from the ancient pyramids and save princess Jasmine. In the Cave of Wonders Aladdin and Abu make their way to rescue the Genie using the magic carpet to escape. After Aladdin is rescued, he is convinced to seek out the Cave of Wonders by a Mystic and sets off to find the two halfs of the Scarab key in the Oasis. At this point, the player takes control of Abu and sets off to rescue Aladdin. Aladdin make's it to the thrown room and to confront Nasira but is thrown in the dungeon. With the help of Abu and Genie, Aladdin makes it to the palace where many of Nasira's enchanted guards are waiting. Posted throughout Agrabah are wanted posters with Aladdin on them and the guards are hunting Aladdin down. Jafar's twin sister, Nasira, hypnotises the palace guards and kidnaps Jasmin and her father. The presence of Iago the parrot suggests this would take place before "Aladdin and the King of Thieves". Unknowingly Aladdin ventures This story most likely takes place after the events of "The Return of Jafar", when Jafar died, but it is unclear if this before or after "Aladdin and the King of Thieves". Nasira kidnaps Jasmine and her father and forces Aladdin to collect ancient relics that she believes would assit her quest of bringing Jafar back from the netherworld. Aladdin must defend Agrabah against Jafar's twin sister Nasira who tries to extract her revenge on Aladdin and bring Jafar back from the netherworld.